Patch with microcurrents indicated for the treatment of insomnia. It does not contain active ingredients. The micro-currents enrich the cellular system with GABA and serotonin, positively influencing sleep mechanism for the treatment of insomnia. Apply on the neck at night. Medical device I.
SLEEP IONTO PATCH with iontophoretic technology generates micro-currents useful in insomnia.
It consists of an adhesive matrix and a fabric, in which alternate strips of copper and zinc are inserted, which generate microcurrents (400 mV – 4.5 μA) and electromagnetic microfields, which favour ion exchange and the passage of microcurrents in skin tissues.
SLEEP IONTO PATCH, through an electrochemical reaction, exploits the endogenous bioelectric potential which, in contact with the copper and zinc filaments present in the patch fabric, produces microcurrents, enriching the cellular system with GABA and serotonin, positively influencing sleep mechanism for the treatment of Insomnia.
No active ingredients. Its function is based only on the mechanical action of microcurrents and electromagnetic microfields generated by zinc and copper microwires.
TEXTRONIK fabric (40% cotton, 40% polyester and silica, 10% copper and 10% zinc).
Medical device I.